For government buildings: RC3 to RC6 windows.

RC2 Fenster oder RC3 Fenster?
RC1 Fenster - 0 min.

RC1 windows:

are a simple safety risk is.
RC2 Fenster - 1-3 min.

RC2 windows:

Almost always also insufficient.
RC2 Fenster - 1-3 min.

RC3 windows:

the minimum requirement for government buildings.
RC3 und RC4 Fenster - 5-10min.

RC4 - RC6 windows:

offer effective up to perfect burglary protection. With SILATEC P8B glass, they offer about 10 to 20 minutes resistance time.

The safe classification by the public authorities is decisive,
depending on the country specific threat.

Bulletproof is a frequent additional requirement. We are pleased to present solutions up to the highest resistance classes.

Please, inquire directly.

War weapon degraded to a toy
SILATEC in a video.

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